Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Titles are not my forté


Been a while, yeah? A long, weird while.
And stuff has happened and other stuff hasn't happened and the world goes on with it's wonderful, terrible business.
And that's fine. It's how the universe operates.
And here I am. Halfway to orphan-hood, death circling my remaining family, circling me, like a demented flock of birds. For real this time. Not in the Grampa-Simpson-pointing-at-lamps-seeing-death-everywhere way I've spent approximately, ooh, all my life so far doing. Seeing death everywhere & being so frightened by it that I forgot to, you know, do any living. Choosing to just give over responsibility for myself to other people in the belief that they couldn't do a worse job with my life than I would. (I was wrong about that by the way. Which in a weird way just serves to prove my point).


Death certainly seems to be gunning for us 'Joiners in a big way. Or whatever the bird equivalent of that might be. Shitting on us in a big way? Yeah. Death is shitting on us. And there really is nothing like a lot of death going round, shitting on you, as a motivator for not sitting about waiting for death to get around to yeah I'm sorry about starting this whole bird analogy now.


The point is, I'm back. And this time, it's personal...or more frequent. The 2nd one. I'm back, and plan to post shit no one reads more often. Probably. I mean, I literally have nothing else to do, except not sleep & tweet about how much I hate Riker.
Fucking Riker.
So I'm bound to post at least, pff, what, twice more this year, at least?
You're welcome internet.

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