Monday, 9 March 2009

Extravaganza of Hackery!

What in bollocking balls is this all about?
There are some young people involved in doing young people stuff whilst using teenage colloquialisms on one of those evil social networking sites that hacks pretend not to understand and this is bad. So on the surface this article is simply yet another trawl through the internet for a story to whip some fauxrage up about Things Middle England Are Against and pretty much business as usual for the 'bloidz.

Ah, but this is much worse than that. These particular youths are survivors of the appalling Dunblane Massacre which took place some 13 years ago. What do you mean, what's that got to do with anything? Obviously these particular young people are somehow even worse than ordinary teenagers (who are all, according to the 'bloidz, drunken, knife-wielding fuck-rabbits) because actually have no idea.

But I get the distinctly yucky feeling that there is something else, something exceedingly nasty being implied here. Something along the lines of 'look at these kids, using the precious gift of life for swearing, drinking and casual sex. Maybe it would have been better if.....'
I mean, just look at this shit;

For instance, ****** – who was hit by a single bullet and watched in horror as his classmates died – makes rude gestures in pictures he posted on his Bebo site, and boasts of drunken nights out.

The webpage of ******, who suffered serious injuries in the shooting, states he is the “f***y who canny stop drivin in the silver hing”, is littered with foul language and features images of him with his new tattoo on his back.

How dare these young men be alive to do the kind of things all young people do! Their classmates died and yet there they are on Bebo, engaged in evil networking, posing in pictures and showing off their tattoos! Tattoos! And according to this particular hack, this means that by simply growing up and living their lives these kids are 'shaming' the memory of those children who were killed. I mean it's obvious really. Don't they get it?

No. And neither does anyone else. What a repugnant rag the Express is.

[Hat Tip Enemies Of Reason]

Looks like the Express got the hint about this tripe and have taken the story down. But cached version is here (via Justin) if you still fancy making yourself sick with rage.

Much Later Update - Decided to 'redact' the names of the kids the Shitspress decided worthy of bile.

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